Regional and Transport Development in the Danube-Black Sea Region towards a Transnational Multiport Gateway Region
Programme: INTERREG – Danube Transnational Programme, PA3. Better connected and energy responsible Danube region.
More information is available at :
Project Partners: The partnership consists of 10 Financing Partners and 20 Associated Strategic Partners and involves all direct neighbouring countries of the Danube river. It covers 7 of the 9 EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany-Bavaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia) and 3 of the 5 non-EU countries (Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine-Odessa Oblast).
Project Summary: The main result of the project will be the highly increased intensity and quality of cooperation between all key actors in order to jointly support the Danube-Black Sea region to become an attractive gateway region for maritime and inland waterway transport between Central Europe and the Black Sea, the Caspian region and the Far East (DBS Gateway Region) on a well-informed (Potential Analysis, Road Map), well-prepared (list of projects ready to be implemented, Funding Guideline), well-focused (Joint Vision, Joint Cooperation Strategy) and well-supported (operative Cooperation Platform beyond the lifetime of the project) basis.
Newsletter #1 of @Interreg_Danube project @DBS-GATEWAY-REGION is out!
Newsletter #2 of @Interreg_Danube project @DBS-GATEWAY-REGION is out!
Newsletter #3 of @Interreg_Danube project @DBS-GATEWAY-REGION is out!
Newsletter #4 of @Interreg_Danube project @DBS-GATEWAY-REGION is out!