Paroborodarska 5, 32000 Vukovar, Hrvatska - EU

Memorandum of Understanding in the range of inland waterway transport signed betweenPort Authority Vukovar and Maritime Danube Ports Administration, SA Galati, Romania

Port Authority Vukovar and Maritime Danube Ports Administration, SA Galati, Romania, concluded on Thursday, May 30, in the conference room of Galati City Hall, a Memorandum of Understanding in the range of inland waterway transport.

The signing ceremony was attended by a Croatian delegation led by the General Manager of the Vukovar Port Authority, Mr Grgo Sabljić and his colleagues, together with the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Romania, Mrs Mateja Horvat, II. Secretary, representatives of the company Luka-Vukovar d.o.o., Mr Marijan Kuprešak, Director, Mr Darko Vicković and Mr. Danijel Bilušković and representative of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ivan Marijanović, and, from the Romanian side, Ms. Marcela-Daniela Coste, General Manager of the Maritime Danube Ports Administration, SA Galați with her colleagues.

The mayor of Galați, Mr Ionut Florin Pucheanu, and the Romanian member of the European Parliament, Mr Dan Nica, who were present at the signing of the Memorandum as well, provided their support to this initiative.

The cooperation between the two administrations will take place in areas that include the following activities:

  • transport of general cargo, transport of containerized cargo, passenger transport,
  • mutual promotion through specific actions and events,
  • advisory assistance in the process of adapting port policy and good practices according to the European Union standards in the field
  • exchange of experience and technical visits in all the ports under the jurisdiction of the two administrations from Romania and the Republic of Croatia mentioned above,
  • information exchange on the traffic quantity that takes place in the ports of the two administrations, by the type of the cargo,
  • common identification and approach of EU-funded projects intended to improve port activities in Romania and the Republic of Croatia and the development of inland waterway transport in general.


The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding marks a significant step forward in cooperation between the two administrations, to develop relations between operators in Croatia and Romania, creating new trade routes, and tourist routes, strengthening the market position in the field of shipping and port activities, and contributing the development and promotion of Danube inland navigation.
